Privacy Policy for Website

What is a cookie?

Instead of me explaining what a cookie is, I’ll refer you to What is an Internet cookie? I've excerpted an explanation below.

A cookie is just one or more pieces of information stored as text strings on your machine. A Web server sends you a cookie and the browser stores it. The browser then returns the cookie to the server the next time the page is referenced.

How do we use cookies?

We use Google Analytics on this website. Google Analytics uses cookies that help us to understand a number of things.
  • How many visitors does this website get?
  • How long do the visitors stay on this website?
  • Where do the visitors live?
  • What websites send visitors to this website?
  • Which pages on this website are the most popular?
  • How can I improve the website's speed?
  • And much more…

We aren't tracking any "personally identifiable information", as Google calls it. The information we're tracking is anonymous.

You can read more about Google Analytics on the Privacy and Terms page. As part of Google's Terms of Service, we're supposed to provide a link to that webpage. This page has a nice summary of how Google is Safeguarding your data.

We also have Analytics installed. Similar to Google Analytics, GoSquared is collecting website visitor information that is anonymized by default. See the information GoSquared collects.

Privacy Policy for App Store Apps

We don't collect or use any of your data. Our apps run on your computer where the data stays under your control. We don't transmit any information about you, your computer, or your usage of our apps.

We don't share any data with any third parties. We don't use any analytics tools, advertising networks or third party SDKs.

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audience is coming from. Read more.